What’s the deal with Blanche’s teams?
Blanche has seven house teams, which include Limited Edition, Stella, The Improvised Game Show, Your Best Life, Red Velvet and Snap Fiction. Players on these teams contribute to the running costs of the team until ticket sales for their shows cover these costs. When the show is profitable, players receive a share of ticket sales.
Blanche arranges all the admin and coaching for her teams and shares information readily so players know they are being taken care of properly.
In addition, Blanche’s senior team Sundae performs every Thursday night at Blanche Improv HQ in London SW5 9EF after the Thursday Night Jam. Blanche covers costs for Sunday and players join this team by invitation only.
Why would I be on a Blanche team, when I can do my own thing?
In addition to providing the basics of coaching and a rehearsal room, players on a Blanche team enjoy the benefits of:
Having fixed, regular times for their coached rehearsals- you don’t need to fill out a doodle poll every time the team tries to rehearse
Blanche takes care of all the finances for the team, so no one on the team ever needs to chase expenses or be out of pocket
There is a clear leader to keep the team on track by providing a creative vision, management and a long term plan
Blanche provides a buffer from arguments and irritations between players, which too often spell the demise of otherwise excellent teams
Clear rules and codes of conduct which Blanche enforces so team members never need to call one another out
Guaranteed performances every 2 weeks at Blanche Improv as well as all the additional performances that Blanche can find and the team can handle
Blanche actively promotes her players and teams on her social media platforms including on her YouTube channel. (If you don’t want to be on the Blanche socials, she’ll do her very best to make sure you are not!)
You’re part of the Blanche community, a lovely group of people who enthusiastically support and encourage one another
Why don’t teams just rehearse in someone’s flat? That’s cheaper, surely.
It is cheaper. And there are benefits to rehearsing in someone’s flat- it’s less faff than booking a rehearsl room… and… it’s… ummm… convenient for the player who lives there… ??
When you work in a rehearsal space:
The space is neutral- everyone in the team feels equally ‘at home’
No one needs to move their coffee table, ask people to be careful of the glassware they inherited from their Granny or feel upset when someone trips over the sofa, breaks Granny’s precious glassware and doesn’t help clean up
There are no ‘Cup of tea?’ or ‘Parcel Delivery’ distractions
Flat mates don’t get annoyed, intrigued or appear half-dressed
A rehearsal room gives players a focused, professional environment so everyone can do their best work.
What is the commitment if I join a Blanche team?
Being on a team is a big commitment- Blanche expects players to attend regular rehearsals and performances. Rehearsals are weekly and shows at Blanche are every two weeks.
Blanche doesn’t expect every player to be at every rehearsal but there are minimum requirements to guarantee your place on the team and to be eligible to perform.
Jeepers!! That is a big commitment! What’s Blanche’s obsession with rehearsal? It’s improv!!!
Blanche wants everyone to love improv as much as she does, including audiences, so she works her cute little butt off to put on excellent shows. Regular rehearsal means better shows because:
Improvisers perform best when they feel confident and playful- regular rehearsal is a great way to generate these feelings
Teams who regularly rehearse together have a deep sense of commitment and dedication to their team, so they actually turn up to their shows
Shows that are given love and attention can evolve, improve and become really magical. You can be much more daring when you’re rehearsing on the regs.
Improv is a skill and when you’re practicing regularly in a purposeful, productive way you’re destined to improve!
Do I need improv experience to join one of Blanche’s teams?
Yes. Blanche’s teams are for experienced improvisers, people who have done at least three levels of formal improv training. If you’re new to improv, you can start at Blanche by taking an 8 week improv course, coming along to the Improv Gym- a free, all levels, Drop In Class or taking part in the Thursday Night Jam.
Okay, I have enough experience, how do I get on a team?
Email Blanche and she’ll help you work out which team is the best fit for you! Blanche matches the needs of the team with the experience, interests and vibe of individual players.
So I just chat to Blanche, make a financial contribution and I’m on a team?
Ah. No. It’s not that simple. Not every team is right for every person. Your first 8 weeks on the team is a probation period. It’s a time for you to see if you enjoy being part of the team. It also gives Blanche an opportunity to ensure the casting is working well. She takes a lot into consideration including the dynamic of the team, player’s skills, willingness to learn and alignment with Blanche’s values. During your probation, Blanche will provide feedback and at the end of the probation period, Blanche will check in with you and together, you’ll work out the best way forward.
Can I check I like it before I commit to being on a team?
Yes!! Everyone is welcome to get a feel for the Blanche Improv style at a Blanche one off event like Thursday Night Jam, Level Up or Improv Gym. And rather than doing an audition, Blanche will invite you to a trial rehearsal for the team you’d like to join so you (and Blanche) can check that it’s a good match!
How many people are on a Blanche team?
Blanche teams have between 8 and 10 people.
Where are the rehearsals?
All of Blanche’s teams rehearse at Blanche Improv HQ in London SW5 9EF
When are the rehearsals?
Teams rehearse at the same time every week. That specific time is different from team to team- they are mostly evenings and weekends. Details for rehearsal days are on each team page.
How often do Blanche’s teams perform?
Blanche’s teams perform every two weeks (with some breaks for holidays and special events) at Blanche Improv. As well as that, Blanche is constantly on the look out for more performance opportunities for all her teams.
I have a question you didn’t answer, can I email Blanche?
Yes!! Please email Blanche or head to her FAQ’s page.