Wanna perform at Blanche Improv?

Blanche is on a mission to provide stage time to people who have previously been under represented on the improv stage. She enthusiastically encourages teams with players from all walks of life to apply to perform in Blanche’s Besties, The Blanche Improv Extravaganza and at Ride or Die.

Blanche is particularly interested in programming acts with a diverse cast where diversity is incidental to the show premise and not central to it. She believes this is the next step in our representation evolution.

Blanche programs on a rolling basis.

If you have performed at Blanche in the past...

Please check the Blanche Improv Guest Team Dates document. 

Email blanche@blancheimprov.com with a couple of options for when you can perform. 

Blanche will confirm whether you're booked asap! 

If you are applying to perform at Blanche for the first time…

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability, don't faff over it!!! If the form asks for something you don't have yet, that okay!! Just let Blanche know when you email her, it absolutely will not impact your application. 

Then, check the Blanche Improv Guest Team Dates document.

Email blanche@blancheimprov.com with a couple of dates for when you can perform. 

Blanche will confirm whether you're booked asap!! 

If you’re not part of a team and you’re looking for performance opportunities, you can come along to the Thursday Night Jam or apply for a place on a Blanche team.

Coming Up at Blanche Improv